If you’re a faith leader, talking about money is inescapable but is often uncomfortable. From discussing budgets with your board of directors, fundraising to support your mission and counseling couples and families to offering financial literacy programs to adults and youth, Money Habitudes can make those conversations easier and more effective.
Money Habitudes is a natural fit for pre-marital programs, marriage enrichment classes and counseling families. It opens up constructive dialogue about money, provides a common, non-judgmental language and reveals motivations and perspectives that can change the conversation.
Offering financial management programs gives your congregants practical advice in a setting they trust. When you add Money Habitudes, it helps them become wiser about the role of money in their lives and more aware of their values related to giving and stewardship.
Growing, vibrant congregations are responsive to the needs of their community, which are often becoming more diverse. Since money is a common denominator that affects everyone’s lives, offering a class in Money Habitudes can help build a sense of community. There is no discussion of numbers, budgets or personal finance which makes it non-threatening and the game-like format makes it easy for attendees to relax and engage. The jargon-free, non-judgmental language provides a common language to discover commonalities, share stories and encourage a sense of unity.
Money Habitudes is an invaluable tool for facilitating workshops and classes for teens and parents around those often difficult conversations about money. The game’s prompts make it easy for the whole family to participate in constructive financial conversations.
Pastor Kyle Helmink, pastor of counseling and premarital counseling team at Lincoln Berean Church, has... Read More
Catholic churches and dioceses use Money Habitudes in marriage preparation programs to help couples better... Read More
My husband and I have been married for 18 years and it wasn’t until now, after playing Money Habitudes, that we realized what was going on around money with us.
Toni Barnett Author of Coffee and Kisses, Developing Prosperity Through Relationships
This may be the best tool for individuals as well as couples to start with because it is simple and feels safe. Even though it’s a “game”, it is a doorway to serious dialogue around financial matters.
Robert Ruhnke C.SS.R., D.Min., Author, For Better & For Ever
I’m always looking for useful tools to help church leaders equip congregations for the work of generous giving. Everyone I’ve seen use Money Habitudes grows tremendously in their self-awareness when it comes to their attitudes and habits about personal wealth. It is intuitive to use, and participants always seem eager to both see and share their results.
Phillip Leo
Money Habitudes cards are universal. Anyone can use them and are often amazed at their results. It really helps people relate to their habits about money.
Pastor Richard Jackson Manasseh Ministries providing social services to families in need with a focus on incarcerated adults and their families
While there are many steps you can take to improve your marriage or keep it strong, one of the best is to figure out how to talk about money with your spouse. Unfortunately, doing so is not easy because discussing money makes people uncomfortable. After all, as we’re growing up, most people learn not to talk about money instead of how to talk about it.
It’s not just an old saying: When it comes to couples and money, opposites do attract. In fact, researchers at the Wharton School and Northwestern University found that while people hope to marry someone with a money style similar to their own, they more often than not marry their financial opposite.
Nothing kills a romantic mood like money. Having too little of it or arguing about it can create the kind of stress that leads to Splitsville. But many engaged couples who avoid this touchy subject later regret it.
Articles, activities and more that you may use and reproduce for you work. Examples are: