Marines: Your Money Personality is included in a unique personal financial education training
The U.S. Marine Corps customized Money Habitudes materials to be used as the foundation of the innovative Marine Corps personal financial education training course called Your Money Personality. This program enhances individual readiness and positively impacts unit readiness and cohesion. The Department of Defense has found that personal financial management is linked to many mission readiness issues including security clearances, stress, suicide, divorce and retention.
- Positive behavior change happens when Marines become aware of their financial habits and attitudes and address those that are undermining their success.
- More interest and engagement when the difficult topic of personal finance is approached in a fun, hands-on manner.
- Enhances individual readiness and positively impacts unit readiness and cohesion.
How They Use Money Habitudes
- The course will be taught in the Marine Corps’ facilities around the world as part of the Marine Corps Personal Financial Readiness Program for new Marines.